Tuesday 17 July 2012

human biology - Why are goosebumps so ineffective at keeping us warm?

When your brain, the hypothalamic temperature centers in particular, detects that the temperature is too warm or cold, it initiates a number of controls to try and correct this.

Goosebumps appear due to piloerection. This is one of the reactions that occur when the temperature is too low.

This causes hairs to stand on end as a result of contractions in muscles attached to hair follicles called arrector pili.

This particular reflex is not actually important in human beings. However, in animals, this mechanism allows entrapment of a layer of air allowing insulation. This way, the heat loss is greatly reduced.

The other mechanisms are very adept at maintaining temperature in the human body. These include sweating, dilation (vasodilation) and constriction (vasoconstriction) of skin blood vessels and increasing and decreasing the body's heat production.

For example, when it's too hot, dilation of the skin blood vessels can increase heat transfer by up to eight times.

Source: Guyton and Hall. Medical Physiology. 11th ed. Elsevier Saunders.

Saturday 14 July 2012

human biology - Why is the microbial ecosystem of the gut so susceptible to disruption by pathogens?

There are two types of food poisoning:

Alimentary intoxication

This is the case when you consume food which is contaminated with some toxins, and those are responsible for development of the poisoning symptoms. The source organisms of these toxins might not be present anymore (killed by heating during cooking, for example). In this case there is no massive invasion of any foreign organisms into the gut.

Alimentary toxico-infection

This happens if you eat the food contaminated with microorganisms, and these start to massively proliferate in your alimentary system causing the symptoms of poisoning. The massive intake of the bacteria (even 2-3 spoons of contaminated food might contain millions of bacteria, like Staphilococcus in contaminated diary products). In this case the balance of gut microflora is dramatically changed due to introduction of a considerable amount of foreign microorganisms.

So, even the poisoning seems to be "minor" (e.g., its symptoms are not so dramatic), there could be different amounts of bacteria invading the guts.

The second important point here is the increased emptying of the gut due to diarrhea that leads to the washing out some of the "good" bacteria from the guts, especially in case of profuse diarrhea. The newly coming bacteria are not necessarily those that are present in normal microflora, and it takes days or even weeks until the microflora reaches homeostasis again.

One last point: even without poisoning, microflora varies, and the amount of different bacterial fractions can fluctuate over time. This is normal and depends upon your eating habits, your environment, immune status, and many other factors.

Thursday 12 July 2012

human biology - What are tendons made of specifically

As you correctly say, tendons are made up of collagen fibers. Collagen is one of the most important proteins (or, to be more specific, family of proteins, as there are many types of collagen) forming connective tissue in the body.

Collagen molecules have a particular structure that allows them to form long fibers, composed by three different strands that form a triple helix. This is a schema of a collagen helix (each ball represents one aminoacid):

Collagen helix
(source: Wikipedia)

These helices can then be bound together to form a collagen fiber, through the action of an enzyme called lysyl oxidase which binds two lysine residues from two different helices together (lysine is one of the aminoacids that makes up collagen).

Here is a scanning electron microscope of a collagen fiber:

Collagen fiber, SEM
(source: Science photo library)

Collagen is secreted out of the cells that produce it so, although there may be cells around the collagen molecules, it is important to understand that it is part of what is called the extracellular matrix, the extracellular structure that supports the cells in our body.

As for the photo you linked, it is an hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain of a tendon. Hematoxylin colours cell nuclei in dark blue, so the dark spots are definitely cells.
The pink "waves" are indeed collagen fibers, the cells are probably the tenocytes, the specialized fibroblasts of the tendon, which produce the collagen.

Friday 6 July 2012

nomenclature - Genetic networks vs genetic architectures?

What is the difference between the terms genetic network and genetic architecture? I've heard both in a variety of contexts used by different people, so I am interested in what people think they mean, other than what is described in Wikipedia:

Genetic architecture refers to the underlying genetic basis of a phenotypic trait

Genetic regulatory network (GRN) is a collection of DNA segments in a cell which interact with each other indirectly and with other substances in the cell, thereby governing the rates at which genes in the network are transcribed into mRNA.

EDIT: so what I take from the answers so far is that a genetic network is the molecular wiring of all the interacting loci, whereas genetic architecture describes the phenotypic consequence(s) one would be able to see from that network. Then, trying to bring the two definitions together, if we would assume we knew all the molecular details of a genetic network, we would only need to add the other factors in the model, such as environmental perturbations, to end up with the description of the genetic architecture, right?

Tuesday 3 July 2012

biochemistry - What implications has the missing 2'-OH on the capability of DNA to form 3D structures?

To make sure I'm not comparing apples and pears, my (attempt to) answer the question will be broken into two parts: comparison of single-stranded nucleic acids and double stranded ones.

Single stranded DNA and RNA

Both DNA and RNA can form single-stranded complex tertiary structures in which the secondary structure elements are associated through van der Waals contacts and hydrogen bonds. The presence of a 2'-hydroxyl group makes ribose ring prefer different conformations than deoxyribose in DNA. Also, since 2′-OH moiety is both a hydrogen donor and acceptor, it provides RNA with greater flexibility to form 3D complex structures and stability to remain in one of these conformations. As Aleadam notices, this paper shows that tRNA and its DNA analog form similar tertiary structures though tDNA is not as stable as tRNA:

Therefore, we submit that the global conformation of nucleic acids is primarily dictated by the interaction of purine and pyrimidine bases with atoms and functional groups common to both RNA and DNA. In this view the 2-hydroxyl group, in tRNA at least, is an auxiliary structural feature whose role is limited to fostering local interactions, which increase the stability of a given conformation.

These authors also show that at least one loop in the tDNA analog is more susceptible to cleavage by a restriction endonuclease. In this region the tRNA has a water molecule hydrogen bonded to 2'hydroxyl group.

I was not able to find more of such interesting comparisons in the literature.

Double stranded DNA and RNA

Both DNA and RNA can form double-stranded structures. Again, sugar conformation determines the shape of the helix: for DNA helix it's usually B-form, whereas helical RNA forms A-geometry under nearly all conditions. In RNA helix we find the ribose predominantly in the C3’- endo conformation, as 2'-OH stericly disfavors the C2'-endo conformaion, necessary for B-form geometry.

Physiological significance

dsRNA and ssDNA often provide a signal to the cell that something is wrong. dsRNA is of course seen in normal processes like RNA interference but it can also stop protein synthesis and signal viral infections (cf. double stranded RNA viruses). Similarly, ssDNA is much more prone to degradation than dsDNA, it often signals damage of DNA, or infections from single stranded DNA viruses and induces cell death. Therefore, due to their functions, under normal conditions DNA 3D structure is mostly a double-stranded helix, whereas RNA has a single stranded, "protein-like", complex 3D structure.