Wednesday 22 June 2011

Which is the most accurate stars catalogue for J2000 epoch?

I'm developing a planetarium software. I have no idea about how to obtain stars right ascension and declination.

Searching on Internet I have found that

  • Wikipedia has AR and DEC for a lot of stars. But RA and DEC on Wikipedia that the data shown in Stellarium program.

  • Tycho 2 catalogue also has a lot stars, but it doesn't have stars
    like Rigel. There are two files, suppl_1.dat and suppl_2.dat with another stars like Rigel not found on main file catalog.dat.

  • Stellarium stars catalogue.

  • Hipparcos catalogue?

My problem here is that I don't know which one has the most accurate values for RA and DEC.

Which one do you recommend me?

I have found this page, Recommend stars catalog, with a lot of catalogues.

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