Saturday 22 September 2012

evolution - Productive turnover and generations in the fruit fly

What do you mean by you couldn't find anything on the internet? Drosophila generation time is explained here?

Your other question is a bit off-topic here but I'll give all advice I have heard myself:

You can leave out a banana skin and catch some fruit flies, then do the experiment in your kitchen :) Joke aside, unless you perform the experiment independently it will probably take a long time and it's well possible that you won't be able to do it at all (unless you become some famous scientist). I'm not familiar with the experiments you mention, but if you require equipment and/or funding, you will need a qualification and/or a good explanation why people should give you money or let you use their equipment for this experiment.

I don't know what stage of education you are at, but it sounds like you are still at school ("when I'm older")? Most countries have some schemes where students (below uni) can apply for young researcher kind of things, so you could try and google that. Apart from that, the best bet is probably to try and get into a uni with good facilities and research programmes for their students. What you study shouldn't matter so much as long as it's science.

In response to Marta's commment: if you understand the experiment and you think you can gather everything they used at home, nothing speaks against just doing it on your own. Just make sure you don't let those flies swarm your house ;)

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