Friday 4 October 2013

biochemistry - How to compute properties of peptides ?

I have been tasked with writing a program for computing properties of a give set of peptides. These peptides are given as 1-letter amino acid sequences and I need to compute the following :

  • Length of peptide

  • Number of Each Amino Acid

  • Percent composition of each amino acid

  • Molecular weight

  • Net charge of peptide

  • Positive charge

  • Negative charge

  • Isoelectric point (pI)

  • Hydropathicity

  • Percent polar amino acids

  • Percent positive amino acids

  • Percent negative amino acids

  • Percent hydrophobic amino acids

  • Hydrophobicity

  • Lipophilicity

  • Amphiphilicity

  • Water-Octanol Partition Coefficient

  • Steric Bulk

  • Side chain bulk

  • Net donated hydrogen bonds

  • Percent alpha helix

  • Percent random coil

  • Percent beta sheet

While some of these properties are self explanatory ( eg. size, num. of amino acids, percentage of amino acids. ) and easy to compute. Other properties ( like Molecular weight, Net. charge, Positive charge, Hydorphobicity etc ) have been difficult for me.

I donot have Chemistry or Biology background and hence have found these difficult to compute. I would be appreciative if someone could point me in the correct direction ( I have already been through Wikipedia ) containing methods to compute the above mentioned properties or to a standard text which would explain the above mentioned properties and also provide methods to compute them. Thank you all.

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