Sunday 15 December 2013

human biology - How reversible is decerebrate posturing caused by brain stem damage?

This is a follow-up question to How likely would Abraham Lincoln be to survive his wounds today?

You don't have to see a CT scan or autopsy to know if the brainstem is
injured (directly or indirectly), if it doesn't work right.

The description of the first doc at the scene mentioned that Lincoln
was not breathing, and one pupil was dilated (the latter a clear and
unequivocal sign of dysfunction of the third cranial nerve or the
upper brainstem, from where it comes). Unfortunately, the second doc
described the enlarged pupil being the right one (it's extremely
unlikely to have been one and then the other - one of the doc's was
probably mistaken as to the side).

By 3 hours after injury, both pupils were fixed and dilated, and
Lincoln showed extensor (decerebrate) posturing - again, all signs of
profound brainstem dysfunction (but not yet brain death, though pretty
close to it).

Now, what is decerebrate posturing? See

Decerebrate posturing is also called decerebrate response, decerebrate
rigidity, or extensor posturing. It describes the involuntary
extension of the upper extremities in response to external stimuli. In
decerebrate posturing, the head is arched back, the arms are extended
by the sides, and the legs are extended.[6] A hallmark of decerebrate
posturing is extended elbows.[12] The arms and legs are extended and
rotated internally.[13] The patient is rigid, with the teeth
clenched.[13] The signs can be on just one or the other side of the
body or on both sides, and it may be just in the arms and may be

A person displaying decerebrate posturing in
response to pain gets a score of two in the motor section of the
Glasgow Coma Scale (for adults) and the Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale
(for infants). Decerebrate posturing indicates brain stem damage,
specifically damage below the level of the red nucleus (e.g.
mid-collicular lesion). It is exhibited by people with lesions or
compression in the midbrain and lesions in the cerebellum

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