Sunday 5 November 2006

ag.algebraic geometry - The Jouanolou trick

In Une suite exacte de Mayer-Vietoris en K-théorie algébrique (1972) Jouanolou proves that for any quasi-projective variety $X$ there is an affine variety $Y$ which maps surjectively to $X$ with fibers being affine spaces. This was used e.g. by D. Arapura to (re)prove that the Leray spectral sequence of any morphism of quasi-projective varieties is equipped from the second term on with a natural mixed Hodge structure.

Here is a proof when $X$ is $mathbf{P}^n$ over a field $k$: take $Y$ to be the affine variety formed by all $n+1 times n+1$ matrices which are idempotent and have rank 1. This is indeed affine since it is given by the equations $A^2=A$, the characteristic polynomial of $A$ is $x^n(x-1)$. Moreover, $Y$ is mapped to $mathbf{P}^n(k)$ by taking a matrix to its image. The preimage of a point of $mathbf{P}^n(k)$ is "the set of all hyperplanes not containing a given line", which is isomorphic to an affine space.

The general (quasi-projective) case follows easily from the above. However, it is not clear how to generalize Jouanolou's trick for arbitrary varieties. Nor is it clear (to me) that this is impossible.

  1. Is there an analogue of the Jouanolou lemma for arbitrary (not necessarily quasi-projective) varieties (i.e. reduced separated schemes of finite type over say an algebraically closed field)?

  2. (weaker version of 1 over complex numbers) Is there, given a complex algebraic variety $X$, an affine variety $Y$ that maps surjectively to $X$ and such that all fibers are contractible in the complex topology? A negative answer would be especially interesting.

  3. (the following question is a bit vague, but if it has a reasonable answer, then it would probably imply a positive answer to 2.) Is there a quasi-projective analog of the topological join of two projective spaces? I.e., if $P_1$ and $P_2$ are two complex projective spaces, is there a quasi-projective variety $X$ which "contains the disjoint union of $P_1$ and $P_2$ and is formed by all affine lines joining a point in $P_1$ with a point in $P_2$"?

Edit 1: in 1. and 2. the varieties are required to be connected (meaning that the set of closed points is connected in the Zariski topology; in 2 one could use the complex topology instead).

Edit 2: as Vanya Cheltsov explained to me, the answer to question 3 is most likely no.

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