This is more a philosophical question, and therefore hasn't a definite answer.
But if you want to make plausible that AC isn't realistic mathematics, you might reason something like the following:
There is a set of mathematical sentences, that has a direct (so, not indirect yet) relation with physics. Call this set B (of Basic). Personally, I think they are in the following four areas:
- Computation
- Probability
- Geometry
- Topology
Note, I count arithmetic as part of computation, since numbers are not a physical entity, but computation is. But, likely many people will disagree.
Also note, that the sentences in B, might be far simpler than the mathematical sentences suggested in your question or in one of the answers.
Now, we have more complex mathematical sentences, that are still "realistic", if they can be converted or "instantiated" to sentences of B. Call this extended set be E. These more complex sentences capture a higher principle, which can be powerful in the science of physics. Still, there is no direct link with physics, the mathematic sentence first needs to be instantiated, to make a direct link with physics. Example, any sentence with a real number, is not be part of B, because we can not observe real numbers in physics, but they can be part of E.
Consider that there is a sentence s1 ∈ E and s2 ∈ E. Furthermore, that s2 follows from s1, but with a rather difficult proof. Suppose there is a proposed axiom a, such that s1 + a leads more directly to s2 (a simpler proof). However, a ∉ E. So, axiom a is independent from sentences in B.
From above concept it follows that axioms can exist that are "useful", because they make proofs shorter, but have nevertheless no "meaning". I do believe that AC is such axiom.
About CH, I think it is not useful and not having a meaning.
But again, this is more an opinion.
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