Thursday 18 June 2015

grammar - Would you mind me / my opening the window?

There is a difference. According to another website, saying "my opening" puts more emphasis on opening, so "Do you mind opening the window?" is the same as "Do you mind my opening the window?" except in the second one it's the person speaking that wants it to be opened.

The former sentence puts emphasis on the person speaking, so the former sentence asks if the second person is ok with the first person opening the window. Say the person that wants to open the window is bad at opening windows. So the person is really asking if it is ok. Let me quote what it said to explain it better.

Do you mind my marrying your daughter next month? = Is next month a good date for us to get married? In other words, you are putting emphasis on marrying.

Do you mind me marrying your daughter? = Yes, I am poor now, but I will work hard and make enough money to take care of your daughter. In other words, you put emphasis on the word me.

It depends on what you mean. The former asks if the person can open the window because the person is bad at opening windows or needs permission to open it up but the latter asks if opening the window is fine, and the second person doesn't care who opens it.

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