Friday 18 September 2015

Are things shown but not named in Star Wars movies still G-level canon?

Everything that is explicitly stated in a G-Canon source is G-Canon and nothing else, the rest lies in a lower level of canon. A good example is the group of bounty hunters Darth Vader mandates to find the Millennium Falcon.

the group of bounty hunters

They are all named in the Script

The group standing before Vader is a bizarre array of
galactic fortune hunters: There is Bossk, a slimy, tentacled
monster with two huge, bloodshot eyes in a soft baggy face;
Zuckuss and Dengar, two battle-scarred, mangy human types;
IG-88, a battered, tarnished chrome war droid; and Boba Fett,
a man in a weapon-covered armored space suit.

VADER: ...there will be a substantial reward for the one who finds
the Millennium Falcon. You are free to use any methods necessary, but
I want them alive. No disintegrations.

So their names and appearances are all G-level, but not their back stories.
From Canon article on Wookipedia :

G, T, C and S together form the overall Star Wars continuity. Each ascending level typically overrides the lower ones; for example, Boba Fett's back story was radically altered with the release of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, forcing the retcon of older source material to fall in line with the new G-canon back story. However, this is not always absolute, and the resolution of all contradictions is handled on a case-by-case basis.

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