Thursday 24 September 2015

Identify Cop Drama where main character helps his partner out of a crime

The following scene is from a movie I watched several years ago. I would guess the movie itself was released between 1995-2005.

Cops and Medics get called for backup. 2 Cops arrive at an apartment building resembling the ghetto and meet an angry mob of black people that are screaming "the police is bad" etc.

They reach to the room where their squad mate is and find a dead body next to him.

The squad mate then says he needed to shoot the guy because he was in danger. The main character did not believe him but did not tell him his doubts.

The dead body was a black drug dealer.

The main char decides to help his partner out even if he doubts his story. They put the dead body on a stretcher and pretend to evacuate a injured patient that fell into coma to escape the mob.

It later turns out that the squad mate was a drug addict himself and he killed the drug dealer on purpose.

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