Wednesday 23 September 2015

identify this movie - Worker gets to own all the land that he can mark between sunrise and sunset

You have misinterpreted it a little bit and you have missed an important point. It was not about marking as much land as possible from sunrise to sunset. There was a starting point. And the worker had to return to the same point before sunset. Whatever he marked was his. This is where greed comes into the picture. It wasn't a competition between workers.

My dad used to tell me this story when I was young. I was always surprised by the foolishness of the workers. Unknown to my dad and countless others who repeated the story in many occasions, is that this is a short story by the famous author, Leo Tolstoy. You can find countless adaptations to it, regional legends with slightly different setting. It's fascinating how everybody knows this story but never credit Tolstoy for this.

This was a German movie adaptation of it titled Scarabea - How Much Land Does a Man Need?, but don't be surprised if you can find ten more. In fact, I even remember seeing this in a Tamil movie in India. Judging from your question, this must be the movie. It was out in 1969. I haven't seen it myself, but since it is a old movie you say. I don't think there was any other movie before this. Though the story line is a bit different in the movie.

This is another one, though shorter but fits your timeline and your description.

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