Monday, 7 September 2015

inspiration - Is the Encyclopaedia Galactica in the Hitchhiker's Guide a reference to Asimov's Foundation Trilogy Encyclopædia Galactica or a tribute to Carl Sagan?

While reading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I was thinking if the Encyclopaedia Galactica mentioned in the book is the same as Asimov's Foundation Trilogy's Encyclopædia Galactica? Could it be some kind of a humorous homage to Asimov's trilogy??

Based on the way it's mentioned in the HGTTG, it looks like the Encyclopaedia Galactica has already been published before present-day, and in The Foundation trilogy it happens in a future far beyond.

Maybe it's just a meta-reference. Not strict canon.

Some people says Carl Sagan used to speculate about a Encyclopedia Galactica in his TV series Cosmos. Perhaps it was a tribute to Carl Sagan as it seems to me they were contemporaneous and others say that Carl Sagan was likely referring to The Foundation's as well. He was apparently a big fan of Asimov and they became friends.

What is the real connection, if any? Could it be a reference to Asimov, Carl Sagan, or is it just a coincidental reference?

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