Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Is there a word/phrase to describe someone who works from home?

I think the only valid answer is "No", there is no specific term as you define it. I think the difficulty is that in looking for a term to describe someone working full-time for a company from home you're also stepping into territory where people do exactly the same work on contract or connected directly with customers.

Note that although the question and most of the answers imply modern, computer-based work what you've described isn't modern or computerised. Before the internet jobs such as typing and dressmaking were jobs routinely carried out by people at home (historically usually women caring for children but not exclusively). Telephone work, either cold calling or responding to support calls, can also be done from any home with a phone.

Complicating this is that the definition given describes people working in cottage industries. In many of these industries they're just called "workers" because that's how all of the work is done - the central office is just a coordinating and warehousing facility. Searching this path might turn up a specialist term but I couldn't find one.

I think the terms you've excluded are all there is (adding "remote worker" as a synonym and therefore also excluded).

Edit: I like the answers by both Stefan and Elian as they're not just synonyms of the excluded terms. There is hope yet for this question.

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