Saturday 19 September 2015

story identification - Comic about space exploration team meeting human-sized, insect-like aliens

It is a classic Polish comic book called "Walka o planetę" (The Battle for The Planet) written by Arnold Mostowicz and Alfred Górny and illustrated by Bogusław Polch. It was part of "Bogowie z Kosmosu" (Gods from the Space) comic cycle published in 80s. The whole series has sold millions of copies in 12 languages, including Russian.

The cycle tells the story inspired by Erich von Däniken's hyptohesis of "ancient aliens". In mentioned book, the protagonists (human-looking aliens from planet Des) fight against insect-like alien race which want to take over Earth.

  • I remember one of the humans using suction cups to scale a tall building or spacecraft.

You got it right:

enter image description here

  • The aliens appeared to wear some soft of clothing

  • One of the main
    aliens looked like an ant standing upright on its hind legs and had at
    least two pairs of arms.

Yes, the insectoid aliens looked exactly like this:

enter image description here

  • Early on there was a panel showing a human admiring ants crawling
    through an ant farm.

You probably mean panel showing alien planet, which was heavily overpopulated:

enter image description here

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