Sunday, 6 September 2015

Why does cheryl change her name often?

She first changes her name to Carol because that's what Archer called her while they were in a relationship.

From IMDB:
"Archer: Training Day (#1.2)" (2010)

Cyril Figgis: Hello Cheryl.

Cheryl: It's Carol.

Sterling Archer: Uh, since when?

Cheryl: Since I had it legally changed because you always call me

She claimed that Carina "better captured [her] sensual womanhood" in the episode "Killing Utne".

Finally, the change to Cristal was done to curry favor with Conway Stern in "Diversity Hire". Cristal being the name of a wine that was briefly popular amongst rappers, which in Cheryl's mind probably equated to all black people including Conway.

But yes, it has become a running joke exemplify the character's personality issues.

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