Saturday, 7 November 2015

Does the federation have slipstream or transwarp technology in Star Trek: Into Darkness?

To answer your question, no, the ships do not have any new form of engines that we know of. They are operating at speeds/time frames other canon has provided. Canon however conflicts with itself over and over again so there really aren't standards to go by here. Basically warp speed equals X and take Y to get there, except when getting from point A to point B actually only takes Z.

In the pilot episode of Star Trek: Enterprise (Broken Bow, Part I and II), it took the Enterprise four days to reach Qo'Nos from Earth at warp 4.5. I would imagine that 100 years later the same trip would be remarkably faster.

Also in the first movie it was stated that reaching Vulcan would take about an hour. Vulcan has been stated to be about 16 light years from Earth, so at that speed reaching Qo'Nos would take about 7 hours, a reasonable amount of time given scenes in the movie. However, I'm not finding any measurements for how far Qo'Nos actually is from Earth.

And from Memory-Alpha:

As a comparison, in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, the internal clock of the USS Enterprise-A read 08:27 as the ship left Earth Spacedock and 16:12 when it arrived to the edge of Klingon space to meet up with Kronos One. A trip of a little under 8 hours.

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