Thursday, 12 November 2015

etymology - How did 'to purport' evolve to connote negativity?

I already understand and so ask NOT about the definition, below which I want to burrow. I heed the Etymological Fallacy. Please beware that I replicate the noun(al) etymology from Etymonline, and not the verbal because the verbal just refers you back to the noun(al).

OED Etymology for purport {verb} : < Anglo-Norman and Middle French purporter
(of a text) to have as its import, to signify, to mean, to state or show (a fact) (all first half of the 14th cent. or earlier in Anglo-Norman ;
end of the 13th cent. or earlier in Anglo-Norman in sense ‘(of a word) to mean, signify’;
late 12th cent. in Old French as porporter in sense ‘to involve (as an obligation)’)
< post-classical Latin proportare to carry or bear forth (8th cent. in past participle proportatus ), to stretch, extend (from 12th cent. in British sources; from 13th cent. in continental sources; also as porportare ), to have as its import (from c1200 in British sources; also as porportare )
< classical Latin PRO- (prefix)1 + portāre PORT v.2, perhaps as a remodelling of classical Latin praeportāre to carry in front, in post-classical Latin also to stretch, extend (in an undated source in Du Cange)
< prae- PRE- (prefix) + portāre . Compare proport v.

Etymonline for purport {noun} : early 15c., from Anglo-French purport (late 13c.), Old French porport "contents, tenor," back-formation from purporter "to contain, convey, carry," from pur- (from Latin pro- "forth;" see pur-) + Old French porter "to carry," from Latin portare "to carry" (see port (n.1)).

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