Your list of examples is too disparate.
The first one is simply hype.
The second is of hayseeds who are in awe of their local social betters (who are nothing special in the larger scheme of things)... I can't think of a single word to capture that right now.
The third, why foreign? Would it make a difference if these were domestic celebrities? You could say these people are putting on airs.
Four through six, why did you give three instances of the same behavior? I fail to see how they are different. Each of these people is being arrogant, obnoxious, pretentious... you get the idea. If these people's station in life were clearly superior to their counterparts (which I don't perceive) then you could say they are pulling rank.
Seven, haughtiness would fit the bill.
Neither "any port in a storm" nor "can't beat the ass/donkey so..." have anything whatsoever to do with what is being asked, as far as I can tell.
Finally, I am puzzled by "tenancies" in your title. Do you mean "tendencies"?
EDIT: In Asker's second edit, they clarify that what is being asked is a colorful expression for "everyone dumps on someone else" and then offers "even dead rats need truckloads of tampon factories". I hadn't heard that one but I like it! (Reminds me of, "Do you want to chop me up and feed me to the poor?" in The Departed; Asker should consider hiring on as dialogue specialist in Hollywood.)
I'll leave it to others to come up with additional pithy phrases for the human penchant for finding someone we can feel superior to.
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