Star Trek Voyager "Relativity":
BRAXTON: For some reason, I always think you'll remember. I'm Captain
Braxton. This is Lieutenant Ducane. You're aboard the Federation
Timeship Relativity.
SEVEN: I'm no longer in the twenty fourth century?
BRAXTON: No. For you, it's almost five hundred years later. We've
brought you here to help us solve a mystery. Someone, we don't know
who, has planted a weapon aboard Voyager. It's designed to fracture
space-time within a radius of one hundred and fifty metres.
SEVEN: Why do you need me?
DUCANE: Your ocular implant. It can detect disruptions in space-time
better than our sensors.
BRAXTON: You're more familiar with Voyager and her crew, less likely
to arouse suspicion. So far, you've been quite useful.
SEVEN: So far?
Pretty self explanatory question.
Seven is transported into the 29th century aboard a Federation Timeship that is designed to track anything and everything temporal. We know more about them from the show "Enterprise" and Lt Daniels.
After 7 of 9 is brought to the 29th century, they tell her that her 24th century Borg ocular implants, albeit the Borg are more advanced technologically than the Federation, are better at detecting disruptions in space-time.
How is it possible that 500 years into the future, that a timeship, equipped with transporters that can transport people through time, and can read timelines and changes in them, has sensors that are less accurate or less "better" than what a standard drones ocular implants from the 24th century is equipped with, to detect disruptions in space-time?
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