Friday, 13 November 2015

star trek - Is Kobayashi Maru really a no-win situation?

My understanding of the situation is as follows:

1 - The KM is a civilian vessel, not a Starfleet warship, hence why it's entering of the neutral zone was not considered a potential act of war. Much like the fact that we can travel to other countries but sending over a gunship filled with heavily armed marines is usually frowned upon.

2 - At this time, yes the relations with the Klingons were that bad. There were numerous excursions and incidents happening along the borders on a regular basis and the Klingons are a race of warriors who are not going to look fondly on a powerful Starfleet vessel wandering into the neutral zone under what they would argue was a ruse. This is also why over the years the attacking vessals have changed between Klingon, Romulan and Cardassian depending on the political scene of the time.

3 - The KM was, as far as I am aware but I am afraid that I cannot recall where I got this from so please someone point out to me if I am incorrect, deep into the neutral zone when it hit the Klingon mine that had damaged it, hence why it is regarded as being impossible to transport them out - transports do have a range limit.

4 - (CONJECTURE WARNING) The Klingons would probably be willing to accept a civilian vessel going to rescue the KM, though this would be at the discretion of the Klingons who turned up and in the case of the test this would probably not be an option even if the simulation didn't allow for any vessels to be within a range to save the KM before the deaths of everyone on board. Because otherwise it would not be an impossible test.

Outside of this there are also the two tales of Nog beating (to a certain definition of the term) the test without cheating. One cost him his life but did have the potential to save the KM, the other actually just broke the simulation when he tried to barter for the lives of everyone with the (Romulan) attack ships.

I hope this sheds light on the situation for you

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