Sunday, 15 November 2015

star wars - Missing text of "The Prophecy of The Chosen One"

I believe to have been able to put together the original sentences using the amazon ebook pages. The actual book text is just a garble of messages that one can't really make out. But as I was transcribing the ebook into paper, I realized I was just writing the same things over and over again. The book pages that are blocked out with the black marks are just a randomized version of an original paragraph. With a highlighter and a lot of patience, I managed to put together the pieces in the order they were originally written. This is what I believe the Prophecy of the Chosen one says.

The Prophecy of the Chosen One
By the Grand Master Fae Coven

The Jedi archives contain many prophecies. The prophecy of the Chosen One is one of the oldest prophecies of Mortis held in the ancient Holocrons. In the time of great despair, a child shall be born who will destroy the Sith and bring balance to the force. The chosen one would surely be a vessel of pure energy, someone who was fathered into existence by the midi-chlorians themselves to act as their agent. Such a being would be beyond the authority of the Jedi Council.

Master Sooloot believed the prophecy dated from the First Greath Schism, and that the line about the Sith was added later to refine the original text.
Many will wonder whether the prophecy of the Chosen One still applies to modern time. After all, the shape-changing Sith have been extinct for nearly nine hundred years. But beware, the greed of the darkside acts like a cancer on the living force, and the Sith are its chief agents. The prophecy of the chosen one is both simple and seductive. So although the prophecy may be true, the jedi must act as if it is not. Some may think the prophecy elements/entails that the jedi need do nothing to combat evil besides wait for the Chosen One to arrive. This temptation toward laziness should be shunned, for the Order exists to serve others. Responsibility does not lie with a single savior, but with the Jedi Order.

Jedi with the gift of future sight are able to see where a river empties into the ocean no matter what path or turn it may take along the way. All Jedi students able to see should understand that Fulcrum “balance” does not mean that good accepts the existence of evil in the way that sunlight gives rise to shadow. The dark has nothing to do with balance. Balance is a bed of green algae whose numbers are kept in check by bog-gulpers. Balance is the circle of life present in monolith systems.

The order that I placed these sentences in were by means of coherence. Some, but not all, of them were placed fairly near to one another. Even though I am fairly confident that these are the sentences hidden inside the text, I am unsure if this is the original order.

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