Wednesday, 18 November 2015

story identification - Novel about reincarnated lovers across history

I'm trying to identify a book I read about 15 or 20 years ago, probably published in the 80's. The main characters were two lovers repeatedly losing and finding each other across a lengthy period of time. If I remember correctly, the man --who narrated --was immortal, while the woman was repeatedly reincarnated, although apparently with some memory of her past lives. One memorable line was that the woman told the man that he would always be able to recognize her by "her gold", which was literal gold in some eras, and golden colored hair or skin in others.

The book seemed to have echos of both She (the reincarnated lovers) and The Gate of Worlds (I believe one of the settings was an Aztec society).

EDIT: One proposed answer was Daggerspell --as compared to that book, this one was more squarely focused on the romance, and had a more global setting that seemed closer to the real world. Although I'm not sure, I also think the book didn't feature magic or supernatural elements outside of the reincarnation plot.

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