Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Tv show about another dimension/magic land through a magic mirror

I keep thinking about a show I used to watch on tv, and damn I wanna know the title :P

It was a live-action show that I saw somewhere between halfway the 90's and halfway the 2000's, and I'm almost sure it was produced around that time as well. It was in English, most likely an American show. It was for kids and/or teenagers.

Although I can hardly remember anything about the story, I do know some of the important details.

The show was about a room, I think an attic, where there was a large standing mirror, I think oval of shape. I don't know exactly how, but that mirror somehow connected the normal world (set in the here and now) to another world.

This world 'on the other side of the mirror' had a medieval-based setting, but with some fantasy elements. I remember the classic 'good vs. evil' being the main concept the story was revolved around. Some details and fragments that I rememer:

  • One of the 'bad guys' gets a magical or mechanical glove that she can shoot electrical bolts with, making her powerful and feared.

  • The intro of the show contains (or perhaps entirely exists of) the magical mirror and a cloudy sky as a background.

  • The medieval-like land is what the show is mainly about; the normal world is only seen in a few episodes I think.

Any ideas?

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