Friday, 6 November 2015

Why doesn't the reflection match the man?

TLDR Stevens's consciousness is transferred to Fentress's body. For the sake of story telling consistency, the audience always sees Stevens's face, but we see the reflection of Fentress to show us this is how he appears to the people in the flashbacks/alternate timelines.

The key piece to understanding the movie is that Source Code works differently than intended. This is fully explained at the very end in the email that Stevens sends to Goodwin:

If you're reading this email then Source Code works even better than you and Dr. Rutledge imagined. You thought you were creating 8 minutes of a past event, but you're not. You've created a whole new world. Goodwin, if I'm right, somewhere at the Source Code facility, you have a Capt. Colter Stevens waiting to send on a mission. Promise me you'll help him. And when you do, do me a favor. Tell him everything is going to be okay.

So every time Stevens "flashes back", his consciousness is really just jumping into another reality, and landing in Fentress's body. In all but the final case, when Fentress dies, Stevens's consciousness returns to Stevens's body in the original time line.

Before or after Stevens's body is taken off life support is irrelevant to Stevens's identity in the alternate time lines. His body being taken off life support only means that when Fentress dies, Stevens's consciousness will have nowhere to "return"; so Stevens's consciousness would effectively die then, too.

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