Tuesday 22 September 2015

identify this movie - 80's film where guy gives his intoxicated lover a lethal injection

At the risk of giving you a bad steer, I thought the guy was James Spader, but I can't find anything in IMDB of his that sounds right. He's playing a disreputable character, I think he has a couple of lovers who he treats pretty badly, one of whom he sticks a needle into to do her in when she is already too drugged/intoxicated to put up much of a fight.

Again risking a bad steer but I thought the unfortunate girl was Anne Heche, or maybe an Arquette, but looking up their work has turned up no positive ID. I'm pretty certain the girl has cropped blond hair.

I saw this film a long time ago so it is certainly last century; I'd put my money on 1980's but it may be first half of the 90's.

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