For a single word, I would tend to use:
ec·sta·sy [ek-stuh-see]
noun, plural ec·sta·sies.
1. rapturous delight.
2. an overpowering emotion or exaltation; a state of sudden, intense feeling.
3. the frenzy of poetic inspiration.
4. mental transport or rapture from the contemplation of divine things.
"ecstasy." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 21 Jul. 2014.>.
The adjective form of this is ecstatic, which has recently come to the common usage of simply 'really excited.' (At least, by my observation.)
As I recently added in another answer, most words for emotions in english focus on the how/what you're feeling. As such, ecstasy doesn't cover the source of the emotion precisely. For that, you'll have to settle for an adjective phrase.
However, ecstasy does have the common meaning of being sourced from the divine. See The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa. I don't have a concise source for this, but beauty has been linked with the divine for millennia. I think that makes it the best single-word for the feeling you describe.
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