Ok, here is some hard one.
It is a movie I watched in late 1990s in TV. The movie itself was an American or German production from 1990s.
It was rather poorly made and it looked like an independent film.
The movie was really weird. It was placed in post-apocalyptic setting.
The protagonist was a some kind of prophet, who went on a journey in order to write a new Bible. He also waited for a Second Coming. And there was a satan.
I remember particularly one scene from this movie: someone (probably protagonist) sits on a barber seat when some satanic-like character walks around him saying "cut your hair".
Did I mention that the movie was weird?
Things I vaguely remember :
- I'm not sure but probably the music used in the movie was (black) metal.
- The protagonist was a young adult with long black hair
- Walking through desert
And no, I didn't confused this movie with black metal music videos.
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