Sunday 10 September 2006

at.algebraic topology - How to localize a model category with respect to a class of maps created by a left Quillen functor

I suspect that you already have one, but here is a proof. I will assume that $M$ and $N$ are combinatorial and that $M$ is left proper (otherwise, I don't think that the literature contains a general construction of the left Bousfield localizations of $M$ by any small set of maps). Everything needed for a quick proof is available in Appendix A of

J. Lurie, Higher topos theory, Annals of Mathematics Studies, vol. 170, Princeton University Press, 2009.

First, there exists a cofibrant resolution functor $Q$ in $M$ which is accessible: the one obtained by the small object argument (as accessible functors are closed under colimits, it is sufficient to know that $Hom_M(X,-)$ is an accessible functor for any object $X$ in $M$, which is true, as $N$ is combinatorial). Let $W$ be the class of maps $f$ of $M$ such that $L(Q(f))$ is a weak equivalence in $N$. As $N$ is combinatorial, the class of weak equivalences of $N$ is accessible see Corollary A.2.6.9 in loc. cit. Therefore, by virtue of Corollary A.2.6.5 in loc. cit, the class $W$ is accessible. To Prove what you want, it is sufficient to check that $M$, $W$ and $C=${cofibrations of $M$} satisfy the conditions of Proposition A.2.6.8 in loc. cit. The only non trivial part is the fact that the class $Ccap W$ satisfies all the usual stability properties for a class of trivial cofibrations (namely: stability by pushout, transfinite composition). That is where we use the left properness. For instance, if $Ato B$ is in $W$ and if $Ato A'$ is a cofibration of $M$, we would like the map $A'to B'=A'amalg_A B$ to be in $W$ as well. This is clear, by definition, if $A$, $A'$ and $B$ are cofibrant. For the general case, as $M$ is left proper, $B'$ is (weakly equivalent to) the homotopy pushout $A'amalg^h_A B$, and as left derived functors of left Quillen functors preserve homotopy pushouts, we may assume after all that $A$, $A'$ and $B$ are cofibrant (by considering the adequate cofibrant resolution to construct the homotopy pushout in a canonical way), and we are done. The case of transfinite composition is similar.

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