Saturday 2 September 2006

rt.representation theory - Asymptotics of symmetry types of tensors


Let's fix $min mathbb N$. For each n, the unitary group $mathbf U(m)$ is represented in the space of tensors of rank $n$ over $mathbb C^m$
$$V_{n,m}=bigotimes_{k=1}^n mathbb C^m$$ and the symmetric group $S_n$ acts on $V_{n,m}$ by permutation of factors. Now the space $V_{n,m}$ breaks into the direct sum of subspaces $V_{n,m}(lambda)$ which are primary with respect to each of these actions and irreducible with respect to the joint action of $S_ntimes mathbf U(m)$
$$V_{n,m}=bigoplus_{lambda in mathbb{Y}(n,m)}V_{n,m}(lambda)$$

Where $lambda$ ranges over all Young diagrams of size $n$ with at most $m$ rows (So $lambda in mathbb{Y}(n,m)$ means $lambda=(lambda_1,dots ,lambda_k)$ is a partition of $n$ with $kle m$). The tensors from $V_{n,m}(lambda)$ are said to have symmetry type $lambda$. We define the relative dimensions
$$d_{n,m}(lambda)=frac{dim V_{n,m}(lambda)}{dim V_{n,m}}$$
which tell us how tensors are distributed into symmetry types.

Motivation and Question

I was reading Kerov's "Asymptotic representation theory of the symmetric group and it's aplications in analysis" and was trying to provide proofs for some of the results stated there. (He does give references, which I can't reach at the moment.)

The following two theorems are due to Kerov

Theorem 1 If for each $lambda$ we associate $x=(x_1,dots,x_m)$ with $x_k=frac{lambda ^{(n)}_k-n/m}{sqrt{n}}$. The joint distribution of $x_k$'s as $nto infty$ with respect to the measure $d_{n,m}$ on $mathbb{Y}(n,m)$ weakly converges to an absolutely continuous measure on the cone $C_m={x: x_1geq x_2geqcdots geq x_m ;;;sum x_k=0}$
with density
$$phi _m(x)=c prod _{i < j}(x_i-x_j)^2 e^{-m/2 sum x_k^2}$$ where
$$c=frac{m^{(m-1)m/2}}{1!2!cdots (m-1)!}left(frac{m}{2pi}right)^{(m-1)/2}$$


Theorem 2 Let $lambda ^{(n)}in mathbb{Y}(n,m)$ be the Young diagram for which the tensors of type $lambda ^{(n)}$ are most probable. Then $$lim_{nto infty} frac{lambda ^{(n)}_k-n/m}{sqrt{n/m}}=z_k$$
for each $k=1,2,dots,m$ where $z_1,z_2,dots z_m$ are the roots of the Hermite polynomial $H_m(z)$

I can prove Theorem 2 assuming Theorem 1, but I don't see a nice argument for proving the first theorem itself. Can anyone provide a sketch of the proof, or some hint how to approach Theorem 1?

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