Monday, 19 October 2015

canon - Is the Star Wars Universe just one galaxy?

The story takes place "In a galaxy far, far away" - that is, in one galaxy, that doesn't include ours, so not the entire universe. So yes, "just" one galaxy.

Being able to see other galaxies is very different from being able to travel to them.

Check out the math of how many stars are in one galaxy (hundreds of billions), and how many galaxies we think are in our known universe. From your question, it doesn't seem like you appreciate the enormity of a single galaxy, let alone the universe. All the Star Wars stories AND fan fiction could probably fit in one millionth of one galaxy, or less. Galaxies are also almost always at extreme distances from each other. The ability to jump from one solar system to another is extremely small compared to the ability to travel across one single galaxy, which itself would be extremely small compared to the ability to jump to another galaxy, unless your technology makes distance irrelevant. Listening to Han Solo talk about travel times in the first film, it sounds like distance is a consideration even to familiar planets.

Even if travel could be done instantly, imagine the time and effort required to gather information about 100 billion stars. Just try counting to a billion, and let us know how far you get before you stop, and how long that took. Hint: One billion seconds is over 30 years.

"When Obi-wan is looking for Kamino (the rain planet with the cloners) the librarian says something like "If it's not in our records, it doesn't exist", so she must be convinced that the entire universe has been explored."
- No, I am certain she means simply that any planet of any interest to Obi Wan would surely be in her records, not that there aren't planets outside the known galaxy. And of course, she's wrong about even this statement.

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