I have a different idea of the men he speculates might have a chance against him, you have to think of when he says this, which is before he lost his hand and is still quite arrogant despite being captured. One surety is that one is likely Barristan the bold, who claims in the first season and book, that he would be able to kill the entire kingsguard alone, things that he does in the future make it seem like he very well could such as.
When in dance with dragons he defeats a champion gladiator that is in him prime. Which shows he still has the ability to keep up with a much younger man.
Another one I think likely isn't the mountain but rather the viper. If it wasn't for his own hubris and thirst for vengeance the viper would have easily defeated the mountain, while he does use a spear it is mentioned that the viper is also a swordsman but he prefers the spear. So it could be likely that Jamie might think the Red Viper could beat him or at least have a chance at victory, as they also know each other from childhood.
Lastly there is one more knight that he may think has a chance against him we already know he recognizes the sword of the morning Ser Arthur Dayne as one of the best if not the best swordsman to ever lived. There is also a knight by the name of Darkstar who is of the house Dayne and who is also a swordsman of great renown.
Also one more Jamie may not have considered but could perhaps beat him is Victarion Greyjoy who by all accounts is not only a brutal warrior but also a very skilled one, and after what happens to him in Dance with Dragons he would be a very formidable opponent. Also I didn't mention Loras because he might have beat Jamie jousting but Jamie implies himself that he's better with a sword than a lance, although he is still good with a lance.
The dog is also a candidate for obvious reasons but I think it likely that Jamie would have spent enough time with him to know whether or not he could beat him, or Jamie would have assumed he could. I also think Jamie would be far to arrogant to think a young knight like Loras would stand a chance against him.
Also Its likely Brienne could beat him but he says men so he's probably not including her.
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