In Taken 2 when Bryan Mills/Liam Neeson, was kidnapped, and calling Kim/Maggie Grace from his locked cell.
He asked her to draw 2 circles, according to the map chart:
One of 3 km from the hotel, and the other of 3 km from the (harbor I think), he then asked her to draw a new one of 4.5 km.
He pointed that his whereabouts are on the eastern point of where the two circles connect.
- How did he get to that (while he was blindfolded - and counting seconds and scenery marks - stupid idea IMO)
- Why did he decide it was the eastern one?
Some more details: If anyone can identify the hotel they Mills stayed in, and the market they were kidnapped - that can assist in identifying Bryan's thoughts.
The whole idea looks weird, as when he was kidnapped, they go over the ferry, but than, when Kim rushes to his aide, he just runs over the rooftops (unless - he was kidnapped, and driven over the river back to the hotel side).
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