Friday, 16 October 2015

How did Starbuck come back?

Kara Thrace, a prominent character of the famous sci-fi series Battlestar Galactica, or more famously known as Lt. Starbuck was purportedly dead while fighting Cylon battle ships amidst a solar storm along with Lee Adama or Capt. Apollo and others. Starbuck was assumed dead for months until the beginning of season 4 where she re-appears aboard Galactica, all well and with a new (factory painted) battle ship, believing she was gone for 6 hrs and claiming to have seen Earth.

I know that there may not be a "Correct" answer to this question, but - If she was really dead then was the new Starbuck an astral projection of herself ? (even more so since she vanishes in the end?) What happened there that made her come back all well with a new ship? Or was there a possibility that she was a cylon herself?

How did she come back? What was she?

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