Thursday, 8 October 2015

lord of the rings - Did Gandalf cast a spell on Butterbur's beer?

Judging from the conversation with Butterbur when Gandalf and the four Hobbits pass through Bree on their way back to the Shire, it would appear there was actually an enchantment of surpassing excellence:

‘Does he now?’ said Butterbur looking puzzled. ‘Though I’m sure I don’t know why he should, sitting in his big chair up in his great castle, hundreds of miles away. And drinking wine out of a golden cup, I shouldn’t wonder. What’s The Pony to him, or mugs o’ beer? Not but what my beer’s good, Gandalf. It’s been uncommon good, since you came in the autumn of last year and put a good word on it. And that’s been a comfort in trouble, I will say.’

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