Friday, 2 October 2015

lord of the rings - Why Were the Weapons in Middle-earth So Rudimentary?

In Middle Earth one can find examples of magical weaponry: elven swords of the Elder Days not only glowed when orcs were near, they also caused them to feel pain (other objects made by elves also have this power in them, mere touch for a wicked being feels like ,,burning" or ,,freezing" even elvish special food like lembas was suffocating for them, of course lembas are extremely magical can save life and boost strength of those who eat it). Also the dwarven or numenorean weapons can be viewed as enchanted, daggers of Barrow Down had ,,spells for the bane of Mordor", from the evil side Witch-king could make his sword burst into flames (no idea whether it's inherent ability of the blade or his owner's sorcery), also the famous morgul-knife which with single wound could turn a living being into wraith under command of Sauron and Nazgul. Blades made by elves, dwarves and dunedain were generally made from better steel, were super sharp able to cut other metals for example like weapons made by dwarven smith Telchar of Nogrod (who was supposedly one of the best craftsmen of his whole race), we have also Gurthang/Anglachel sword made by Eol the Dark Elf from meteroritic iron, it contained much of it's creator's malice, had some sort of malevolent sentience and could easily cut through metal armor and ,,earth iron" like wood, of course those weapons also had quality of imperviousness for corrosion and rust, and could survive thousands of years and be like brand new. The case of Narsil/Anduril might seem ambiguous but it is heavily implied it was magical (Narsil could ,,shone with the light of sun and moon" and evil forces can be harmed better by this holy light which came from Two Trees of Valinor, also Varda, Queen of Stars commanded the very essence of light and creatures tainted by dark power fear and often receive damage from light, the power contained in phial of Galadriel used by Frodo allowed him to pass the magic barrier of Silent Watchers in Cirith Ungol, in the phial was captured light of Earendil star).

There is also case of Dragon helm of Dor-Lómin made by Telchar, with ,,runes of victory" and power to protect from wounds (how it works exactly we don't know but some magic was applied to it), dwarves of Erebor in Third Age made armour from silver which was hard like steel (,,power of triple steel"). On a lighter note, Bilbo's song about Earendil mentions runes on his shield ,,his shining shield was scored with runes to ward all wounds and harm from him" of course it might be just poetic language but hey it could happen, it's a fantasy world after all, hahah :).

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