It's all timey-wimey (as usual) but I'll try my best to EXPLAIN!!! EXPLAIN!!!
Remember that Christmas special when the Doctor met Michael Gambon (sorry, can't remember the name of his character) and rewrote his whole life while projecting what was happening to him in his past? I think it's a similar concept. The Doctor has been fighting Davros and his Daleks for most of his life (or lives). He went back in time and -perhaps by accident- rewrote Davros' childhood just enough to give the Daleks a little bit of mercy, and while at it, their world-famous catchphrase. The Daleks shout EXTERMINATE because the Doctor told that to a young Davros in the past, because the Doctor has been hearing them for centuries. The cause becomes the effect, the effect becomes the cause. Like I said, timey-wimey. Another stable time loop by Moffat.
We don't know how much time Davros was left standing in the "hand mine". Maybe it was just enough to make him become what he became. "Davros knows. Davros remembers"...he created the Daleks, and remembered that old scot who saved him in his childhood, and gives them their catchphrase, and just a little bit of "mercy" to mantain the time loop stable.
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