Saturday, 24 October 2015

single word requests - What's a common name for creating and removing objects?

I'm about to name a method in my software. It's going to perform two tasks that are, more or less, inseparable from each other. The first one is to create a table in a database. The second one is to remove. It might sound pointless to do that but the aim of the test is to verify whether that can be done.

The currently picked name for the method is TemporaryTableCreationAndRemoval. However, I'm not happy about the last part, so I wonder what'd be a good term to describe both the process of creation and, subsequently following, the process of removal.

Supposing that such an action is called to shazoo (i.e. to shazoo = to create something and then, inevitably and directly, remove it), the name of the method would be TemporaryTableShazoo.

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