Friday, 2 October 2015

single word requests - What do you call a person who refuses the love of another?

In terms of courtly love, you have:

  • The lover (person in love)

  • The beloved (object of the lover's affection)

  • The courtier (the pursuer of the beloved; alt. term for a lover)

The lover or courtier would pursue the beloved, who would appear chaste in public but secretly swoon over the lover, and the two would profess their love in private. Most texts on courtly love also refer to the person "who scorns the lover's advances", but don't give this person (usually a woman) a title.

I am looking for a word that fits in this nomenclature to refer to this person (man or woman):

the scorner of the lover's love.

The word that I'm using is "shrew", but that doesn't quite fit the gender neutral requirement. As well, a shrew is just a bad-tempered woman, not necessarily someone who scorns love. I don't like "scold" for the same reason.

What word could fit in this sentence:

His love wants a living kiss, but she is a _______ who will never requite.

I am happy with a neologism if it fits.

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