Monday, 5 October 2015

story identification - Animated show: mechs in space and anihilating shield-field-like weapon

I've watched it in 90' on some Cartoon Network or Fox Kids or something like that. There was a Space Fleet, with a mothership of course, and there was a team of people, of whom each piloted one mech (big, anthropoid robot) and done some heroing, exploring and fighting on some planets. I have vague memory of one mech being piloted by someone like Jubilee from the X-men cartoon, and another by someone like Captain Nick Fury from tv animated Spider Man (the white one) - but that is probably my memory leaking ;)

And there was one episode where some kind of super weapon was activated and it was orange field that grew from the generator ship and annihilated (or maybe just stopped) every ship in sight.

That is all I can remember :)

(I don't think it was Japanese - but that is only a hunch, and a very weak one)
Thanks for trying to remember and every guess ;)

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