Saturday, 17 October 2015

Why did Chancellor Palpatine create the Clone Wars?


Palpatine needed an army to control an empire: He could have used the droids, why not?


Droids are cheap and can be deployed in great numbers, but they are not good at fighting without their numbers, They are designed to overwhelm.

Second, droids were not made for advanced or complex thinking processes, as the separatists feared it would cause rebellion (imagine taking R2-D2's processing unit or OS into a B1 Battle droid - He would refuse to kill civilians or unarmed people, where as a B1 unit cannot not distinguish the difference between someone who is armed and someone who is unarmed unless ordered to do so.)


Palpatine could issue order 66 any time, why so late in the war?


Firstly, he knew the clones would be better fighters. As humans, regardless of the upbringing, they would carry with them creativity and ingenuity, which would give them two advantages droids don't have.

Secondly, he needed the clones to be battle hardened so that they would be trained and ready to fight a war if need be at the republics expense. He is basically getting an army for free here.

Thirdly, think of the vehicles, weapons, armor, and gadgets needed to fight a war. They need to be battle tested. See their weaknesses and strengths - which combinations of vehicles worked the best. Which tactics worked. Which didn't.

I can go on, but you get the idea. In order for the chancellor to ensure he won all future wars, he must first ensure his potential army could win the current one.

Similarly, he also needed Anakin on his side, as well as the right time and reason to eliminate not only the jedi, but the jedi council. The jedi council trying to eliminate him was the perfect excuse.

As you can see, had he not have waited, his empire would have been built on shaky and unsure ground, which would have been pointed out by the general public, who may have taken the advantage of the situation, and attempted to overthrow the new government.

Likewise, he would need the senates help to raise his empire, along with the public.

At the stage it was at, where most of the planets knew the republics power because the republic had enough time to get most planets involved in the war the inhabitants of those planets would have known that to rebel against the republic would be a bad mistake.

So through those three years, he would be able to turn the sure knowledge that the republic would always win into fear that they knew the republic would always win - making the option to rebel out of the question.

Again, this is all speculation, however I felt that it should be adequately explained so that you can properly see just how meticulous Palpatine was in planning the whole charade.

I put the chancellor second only to the Joker in my list of favorite villains.

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