Saturday, 10 October 2015

Why does Alfred leave in The Dark Knight Rises?

Alfred, in the stairwell, mentions something along the lines of: "leaving is all I have left...". He is trying to get Bruce to stop being Batman, as others have said, because he believes Bruce is too old and not strong enough to survive the life anymore. He tries to talk Bruce out of getting back in the Cowl, then tries to scare him out of it by telling him of Bane's legend, he even confesses the truth about Rachel to get Bruce to move on from his past. When Bruce still won't stop, Alfred desperately tries the one thing he hasn't tried yet, leaving. He doesn't want to do this, because it will make Bruce hate him and it will make him lose Bruce. "I know what this means, it means your hatred, and me losing someone I've cared for since I first heard his cries echo through these very halls"(this is me paraphrasing from memory as best as I can). He follows this ith saying essentially that if he does indeed leave, maybe it will make Bruce see that he should quit.

The idea is that Batman and Alfred's relationship is based on an almost parental love and Alfred wants to show that his love is now leading him to remove his support and declare his disapproval even to the extent mentioned above.

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