Well for one, there's the fact that Slytherine house was remarkably dominant in Quidditch up to the year of Harry Potter's arrival. It's strongly implied, as Mac Cooper pointed out in the comments, that they win every year. That alone would earn them considerable points. Especially if you're going by a standard steriotype that says Ravenclaws, being so studious, wouldn't care about Quidditch at all.
There's also the fact that you're going by a steriotype. Ravenclaws value knowledge over all, but this does not mean they are the best students. There are many different types of knowledge one can value, and while they may value the accumulation of knowledge, they may not necessarily excel in the practice of said knowledge, something that overachieving Slytherines would do their best to excel at.
And that is another thing you should consider - Slytherines thrive on finding ways to excel and be rewarded for their excellence. So it seems natural that students who gather into a single house devoted to such a drive would win the house cup every year.
Meanwhile, the Ravenclaws have their noses buried in ancient books of lore in the library, books that don't even have anything to do with their classes, and which certainly don't have anything to do with Quidditch.
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