Supposedly, Transformers: Rescue Bots is part of the Aligned Continuity.
I've only watched a few early episodes and read the TF Wiki entry, which states that the Rescue Bots are a rookie team which has been sent to live/train in a remote area (more remote than Jasper, NV?)
From what I've seen (feel free to correct me, I've only seen 2 or 3 episodes), the Rescue Bots don't seem to hide their robot natures much, unlike Team Prime who are under strict orders to remain in disguise as much as possible. Wikia mentions that Optimus and Bumblebee also help out the Rescue Bots from time to time.
From what I've seen in recent promos and toys, Optimus is not only still making appearances, but has also gained some sort of dinosaur alt-mode.
This is all sort of contradictory from Transformers: Prime in that not only has Optimus never had a dinosaur alt-mode, but as of right now,
Optimus Prime is dead, and until the new Transformers: Robots In Disguise begins, Bumblebee is still on Cybertron.
How, or when does Transformers: Rescue Bots match up with Transformers: Prime and the rest of the Aligned Continuity?
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