Orcs were not created by Morgoth, for Morgoth is not capable of creating life. Orcs are diminished and distorted elves. These were Dark Elves that Morgoth captured in the first age, tormented, and debased. It is probably that Trolls were diminished Ents, deformed by Morgoth. Dragons were formed by Morgoth from animals.
Shelob was a Maia who followed Morgoth, and the intelligent spiders are her offspring.
Sauron's creation of the winged beasts who bore the Nazgul was apparently an imitation of Morgoth's creation of the dragons.
Saruman's interbreeding of men and orcs to form the uruk-hai was probably an imitation of the process by which Morgoth originally form the Orcs.
Creatures formed by Morgoth were created before the sun and the moon, and cannot stand light. This is why sunlight turns trolls to stone, and the orcs do not dare come out during the day. That limitation was why Saruman's uruk-hai were so much more of a threat, even though less numerous than the orcs of Mordor.
All of this can be found in the Silmarillion or the appendices of The Lord of the Rings.
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