Thursday, 10 December 2015

story identification - Fantasy novel about coping with a plague

Could it be The Stand by Stephen King?

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  • I'm not 100% sure if it has been translated in Danish, but King's books are really famous, so it's high likely.

  • It was published in 1978

  • The Protagonists travel to many towns.

  • The Plague had killed off most of the world's population

  • The main character wasn't a spiritual healer, but he meets a prophet of God. The survivors have dreams of her telling them to come to her in Nebraska.

I don't remember the ending - I read it more ~10 years ago, but some of your points match this book.

The Plot from the Stephen King Wikia is:

A deadly virus called "Captain Trips", engineered as a advanced
biological weapon by the government, is accidentally spread across
America, causing 99.4% of the entire world's population to die. The
0.6% who survive struggle to find their bearings in the aftermath of the plague. They all dream about two opposing figures: Randall Flagg,
the Dark Man, and Mother Abagail, who is receiving visions from God.
The survivors split into two factions, one led by Flagg, and one led
by Mother Abigail, and prepare for the final stand between good and
evil. Captain Trips

The first takes place over nineteen days, with the escape and spread
of a human-made biological weapon, a superflu virus known formally as
"Project Blue" but most commonly as "Captain Trips" (among other
colloquialisms). The epidemic leads directly to the death of an
estimated 99.4% of the world's human population.

King outlines the total breakdown and destruction of society through
widespread violence, the failure of martial law to contain the
outbreak, and eventually the death of virtually the entire population.
The human toll is also dealt with, as the few survivors must care for
their families and friends, dealing with confusion and grief as their
loved ones succumb to the flu.

The expanded edition opens with a prologue titled "The Circle Opens"
that offers greater detail into the circumstances surrounding the
development of the virus and the security breach that allowed its
escape from the secret laboratory compound where it was created.

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