Friday, 11 December 2015

Where did the speaking-disease come from?

After going almost completely insane thinking about this movie and trying to solve it, I believe that it is a metaphor. In the beginning, "Mazzy" says "If you piss off enough people, they will eventually become your fans, and that makes other people want to listen because those pissed off people tell other people they know and get them pissed off". Well, killing or murdering someone or committing suicide is a complete bastardization of mankind by God, right? Well if he is spreading all this negative energy to people... In the end anyway, he says "Kill is Kiss". So in other words, he is telling people the opposite now, that instead of bad being good, good is bad. This in turn corrects the negative energy. The idea for this movie is in some way original. I do not know about other people, but long before I saw this movie, I would get deeply lost in thought trying to repeat a word because it all of the sudden didn't make any since. Now the whole point of this movie, is to literally screw with your mind. It is just enough, I believe, to make a mentally unstable person to go completely insane if they watch this movie. I almost did. I still feel different. This movie messed with my mind so much, I really could not think of anything, at all, in my brain. I feel like my soul literally got lost in the back of my brain somewhere and could not come out. I couldn't even move my body, not even shut my eyes. I started hearing voices, and seeing things, I was scared of the voices. Then, all of the sudden, like a snap of a finger, it stopped. But my mind still feels half lost in the middle of nowhere. Watching this movie literally made me feel like I did a hallucinogenic drug.

Anyway, in the movie, in the late beginning, apparently only English words are infections - some English words - particularly - anything that involves LOVE. Words like Sweetie, Lovely, Cutie, Lovely, Precious - Turned people into killing machines. Maybe because it is another metaphor for people not ever being able to understand what love is? Also, this movie happens on Valentines Day - Feb. 14 - Hmm... Curious. If Kill is Kiss... and Kiss is kill... think about that Kiss is Kill. Got it now? All the hate bottled up in people is misinterpreted - and when someone says that to love is to kill... the meaning of the word gets jumbled, and they believe that they are supposed to love and kiss, but if they believe now what to kill is to love and kiss, then that is what they will do.

Say for example, if you took the word breathe. Now think about it hard. Say this word to yourself 20 times. Eventually this word will become unknown to you. In the back of your head, you know what it means, but the definition of the word you are thinking about or saying has been lost. It is alien to you, because you usually do not think about words like that when you say them, you just say them and you leave it be. But when you try to think about what the word you are saying means, you can lose your sense of language, and everything and every word will become unknown. In the movie, just the title of the film itself is a metaphor. Pontypool. What the hell does that mean? Exactly! If you say Pontypool over in your head enough times, it makes absolutely no sense.

"Words lose their meaning when you repeat them them them them them them them them them them them them them them them them them" - If people all over town saw Honey on the cat posters so much:

enter image description here

Honey the Cat - Lost - Friendly and Affectionate. Lost friendly. Lost honey. Lost affectionate. Honey is lost.

If the people in the movie that are supposedly sick with the contaminant, then all the words they are repeating and saying... maybe do not make since when you think about it. It is a repeating process that they cannot come out of. Another MAJOR point in the movie, is the cat posters. Almost forgot about that didn't you. Well what could they mean? Well the Cat's name is HONEY. Where are you Honey. Honey. Honey. If everybody in the town went insane from reading the cat posters all around town, then Honey is the first infected word? Maybe the person who put those posters there knew it. Or maybe she already had it from her cat. Maybe the cat spread the virus? Who knows. If Pontypool means Typo, then is Pontypool an error. Is their town bad. Words rooted within other words? Have I lost you yet or jumbled your mind? Have you gone completely insane?

There are a few things that do not make since still... besides from almost everything (ha) - why only the English language? Why emotion related words? Any words using emotion spreads it if you understand it? Why the cat posters? Could they be metaphors for people losing their loved ones? LOVED ones. If they lose emotion, they lost what makes them human. They cannot handle emotions, and strong words like Love and Darling... I don't know I'm starting to mumble, so I am going to try to stop here.

Anyways tell me what you think? Is it like it is, is there a deeper meaning, is there more than meets the eye, why emotion and love related words, why only the English language, why the cat posters, and why Valentine's Day?

"lurking in the center of Pontypool is the word "typo"?"
"The crux of Pontypool is a question of whether mass communication does more harm than good. Mazzy is torn between going off the air to prevent the spread of the virus and using his mouthpiece to warn the citizens of Pontypool of the plague. Mazzy's ego, like the plague itself, won't let him stop talking."

"In the beginning of the movie, the omniscient voices says "Pontypool... Pontypool, PontyPull... PantyPull" This is an example of the metaphor behind the basis of the title itself and also the movie itself.

"I believe that the ending is just there to make a point that you should be confused by events to save yourself from the virus, or that its tongue in cheek that watching the film, you may have picked up the virus and the end bit 'cures' you from your fate, either way, very clever."

"I believe that the initial cursed word was not 'Pontypool' itself, but 'Honey', The Cat named honey, posters all over town with everyone seeing all day, then used again in the french army broadcast 'please refrain from using terms of affection such as 'Honey', Sweetheart.. and so on...' and next time you watch it, watch how many times 'Sydney' says the word throughout the film, it must be a good six or seven times!"

I think another point of this movie, is that the American and English media, is turning people into brain-washed out of control psychotic people. The American media is so very false and beyond the point of no return when it comes to lying all the time, it is all they do, and people believe them. The American Media is completely false. Nothing they say is the truth. It is very liberal, mainly because of President Barrack Obama, same for the Nazis in World War II. The media is destroying us. We are literally being brainwashed and turning into zombies. I've seen it for myself, even in my family, my aunt. She is completely brainwashed and there is no turning her back. She is a liberal Obamazombie. France and Canada obviously know this is true, and it is, but sadly our own American people cannot figure that out. They think they are being told the truth. George Orwell's 1984 ring a bell here? If the words they are telling them appear to be the truth but are actually not the truth, then this can jumble the meaning, leading them to insanity. In 1984, words are deleted every day not created. Anything to do with knowing the truth is terminated. The only thing the people can do is listen to the lies, even knowing that they are false, they will here it so much it will become the truth. So lies are now truth. Lie is Truth. Truth is a lie.

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