Sunday, 6 December 2015

Why doesn't Robin appear in the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited animated series?

From IMDb:

When the series was expanded from Justice League to Justice League Unlimited, producers considered adding Batman's sidekicks, Robin, Batgirl, and Nightwing.

However, DC Comics turned them down, because the Robin/Dick Grayson role was being used on Teen Titans.

There was/is something called "(Bat)-Embargo":

a decision to keep certain DC characters exclusive to certain shows across the television and film medium.

Bruce Timm, the man behind Justice League and Justice League Unlimited said about the Bat-Embargo:

... to tell you the truth, as much as I […] love those characters, I don’t really miss [them] all that much. It’s not like we don’t have tons of other interesting characters to play with.

If I were doing an actual Batman show, and not allowed to use those characters, yeah, that’d be pretty galling, but Batman’s only one ingredient in the Justice League’s brew. The Bat-clan aren’t really essential in any way to the current show ...

  • although,

    At one point during the later series Justice League Unlimited, an episode featuring Batgirl was discussed. ... The episode was never produced as the rights to the Batgirl character were not held over and were being used by the team on The Batman at the time

However, in the episode Grudge Match they sidestepped the Bat-Embargo:

Dick Grayson has a blink-and-you-miss-it cameo as Nightwing, shown watching from a rooftop as Canary and Huntress drive their way into Bludhaven.


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