Thursday, 3 December 2015

Word to describe set of 'Absolute' and 'Relative'

A pretty straight-forward question, but I'm totally unaware of the answer (unless I'm missing something horribly obvious). Is there a word that describes the set of these two words, where the definitions of these two words are as follows:

  • Absolute: without relation to any other thing

  • Relative: in relation to other things

To clarify what I'm asking, I'm doing a bit of programming where an object will contain a numeric value, and a property on that object will contain a value indicating the nature* of the aforementioned value, either absolute or relative. Now, the name of the latter property is totally arbitrary, but it's bothering me that I don't know what it should be called and I'd like to know what other people have to say on the matter.

Now, although this question arose from a programming problem, it does not pertain to programming specifically. In this case it actually refers to positioning in space, so I'm looking for a more general answer to the question.

*Maybe Nature is a suitable answer? :)

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