Friday, 9 October 2015

star trek - How many Starships did the Federation lose during the Dominion War?

There is no canonical answer to your question.

No television episode of DS9, no episode of any other Star Trek series, and no Star Trek film has commented in an exact way upon loss of hardware (or lives) by the Federation in the Dominion War. (I have checked scripts.) None of the writers of DS9 have discussed Federation losses in interviews or other commentary. (Again, I have checked.)

Memory Alpha ("Dominion War") only describes casualties of the Federation-Klingon-Romulan alliance as "severe". We can assume, then, that many ships were lost, but any attempt at counting the loss of ships would result in pure speculation.

The only numerical information canonically associated to the war is the loss of Cardassian lives, estimated in the series finale of DS9 to be approximately 807 million. (See the same Memory Alpha article.)

You may find the following thread useful, but most of it is pure supposition:

TrekBBS - Dominion War Losses

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