Thursday, 10 December 2015

What is the meaning of McCoy's reply?

At the end of the Law and Order episode "Innocence" (S20E16) A.D.A Cutter's former mentor (and opposing lawyer) reveals the secret that Cutter never made his bachelor's degree in order to discredit him for the sake of her case. At the end Cutter gets a letter from the Chamber of Lawyers which criticizes him but says that it doesn't have any influence on any of his past cases. He basically get's out of it relatively smooth. He then says to D.A. McCoy something along the lines of: "Luckily turned out all right in the end." to which McCoy just replies "Are you sure about that?"

What does McCoy mean with this reply? Does he imply that there will indeed be consequences for Cutter, be they reputational or even job-related (maybe even from his boss McCoy himself). Or does he want to say that Cutter lost more than he might think at the moment, considering that this case turned into a personal struggle with his former and long-respected mentor? Given that I haven't seen the last few episodes left (or cannot remember much from doing so) it may actually be a foreshadowing of future events when this scandal eventually keeps coming for Cutter (feel free to dismiss this question as trivial if this is indeed the case).

(Not to forget the usual disclaimer that this might have been intentionally left open for interpretation or there isn't much more to this quote than a bit of a thoughtful ending sentence as seems to be usual for Law and Order anyway.)

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